cartoframes.layer module

Layer classes for map creation. See examples in layer.Layer and layer.QueryLayer for example usage for data layers. See layer.BaseMap for basemap layers.

class cartoframes.layer.AbstractLayer

Bases: object

Abstract Layer object

is_basemap = False
class cartoframes.layer.BaseMap(source='voyager', labels='back', only_labels=False)

Bases: cartoframes.layer.AbstractLayer

Layer object for adding basemaps to a cartoframes map.


Add a custom basemap to a cartoframes map.

import cartoframes
from cartoframes import BaseMap, Layer
cc = cartoframes.CartoContext(BASEURL, APIKEY)[BaseMap(source='light', labels='front'),
  • source (str, optional) – One of light or dark. Defaults to voyager. Basemaps come from
  • labels (str, optional) – One of back, front, or None. Labels on the front will be above the data layers. Labels on back will be underneath the data layers but on top of the basemap. Setting labels to None will only show the basemap.
  • only_labels (bool, optional) – Whether to show labels or not.
is_basemap = True

Does BaseMap pull from CARTO default basemaps?

Returns:True if using a CARTO basemap (Dark Matter, Positron or Voyager), False otherwise.
Return type:bool
class cartoframes.layer.Layer(table_name, source=None, overwrite=False, time=None, color=None, size=None, opacity=None, tooltip=None, legend=None)

Bases: cartoframes.layer.QueryLayer

A cartoframes Data Layer based on a specific table in user’s CARTO database. This layer class is used for visualizing individual datasets with’s layers keyword argument.


import cartoframes
from cartoframes import QueryLayer, styling
cc = cartoframes.CartoContext(BASEURL, APIKEY)[Layer('fantastic_sql_table',
                     color={'column': 'mr_fox_sightings',
                            'scheme': styling.prism(10)})])
  • table_name (str) – Name of table in CARTO account
  • Styling – See QueryLayer for a full list of all arguments arguments for styling this map data layer.
  • source (pandas.DataFrame, optional) – Not currently implemented
  • overwrite (bool, optional) – Not currently implemented
class cartoframes.layer.QueryLayer(query, time=None, color=None, size=None, opacity=None, tooltip=None, legend=None)

Bases: cartoframes.layer.AbstractLayer

cartoframes data layer based on an arbitrary query to the user’s CARTO database. This layer class is useful for offloading processing to the cloud to do some of the following:

  • Visualizing spatial operations using PostGIS and PostgreSQL, which is the database underlying CARTO
  • Performing arbitrary relational database queries (e.g., complex JOINs in SQL instead of in pandas)
  • Visualizing a subset of the data (e.g., SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 1000)

Used in the layers keyword in


Underlay a QueryLayer with a complex query below a layer from a table. The QueryLayer is colored by the calculated column abs_diff, and points are sized by the column i_measure.

import cartoframes
from cartoframes import QueryLayer, styling
cc = cartoframes.CartoContext(BASEURL, APIKEY)[QueryLayer('''
                          WITH i_cte As (
                                ST_Buffer(the_geom::geography, 500)::geometry As the_geom,
                              FROM interesting_data
                             WHERE date > '2017-04-19'
                             i.cartodb_id, i.the_geom,
                             ST_Transform(i.the_geom, 3857) AS the_geom_webmercator,
                             abs(i.measure - j.measure) AS abs_diff,
                             i.measure AS i_measure
                            FROM i_cte AS i
                            JOIN awesome_data AS j
                              ON i.event_id = j.event_id
                           WHERE j.measure IS NOT NULL
                             AND < '2017-04-29'
                          color={'column': 'abs_diff',
                                 'scheme': styling.sunsetDark(7)},
  • query (str) – Query to expose data on a map layer. At a minimum, a query needs to have the columns cartodb_id, the_geom, and the_geom_webmercator for the map to display. Read more about queries in CARTO’s docs.
  • time (dict or str, optional) –

    Time-based style to apply to layer.

    If time is a str, it must be the name of a column which has a data type of datetime or float.

    from cartoframes import QueryLayer
    l = QueryLayer('SELECT * FROM acadia_biodiversity',

    If time is a dict, the following keys are options:

    • column (str, required): Column for animating map, which must be of type datetime or float.
    • method (str, optional): Type of aggregation method for operating on Torque TileCubes. Must be one of avg, sum, or another PostgreSQL aggregate functions with a numeric output. Defaults to count.
    • cumulative (bool, optional): Whether to accumulate points over time (True) or not (False, default)
    • frames (int, optional): Number of frames in the animation. Defaults to 256.
    • duration (int, optional): Number of seconds in the animation. Defaults to 30.
    • trails (int, optional): Number of trails after the incidence of a point. Defaults to 2.
    from cartoframes import Layer
    l = Layer('acadia_biodiversity',
                  'column': 'bird_sighting_time',
                  'cumulative': True,
                  'frames': 128,
                  'duration': 15
  • color (dict or str, optional) –

    Color style to apply to map. For example, this can be used to change the color of all geometries in this layer, or to create a graduated color or choropleth map.

    If color is a str, there are two options:

    • A column name to style by to create, for example, a choropleth map if working with polygons. The default classification is quantiles for quantitative data and category for qualitative data.
    • A hex value or web color name.
    # color all geometries red (#F00)
    from cartoframes import Layer
    l = Layer('acadia_biodiversity',
    # color on 'num_eggs' (using defalt color scheme and quantification)
    l = Layer('acadia_biodiversity',

    If color is a dict, the following keys are options, with values described:

    • column (str): Column used for the basis of styling
    • scheme (dict, optional): Scheme such as styling.sunset(7) from the styling module of cartoframes that exposes CARTOColors. Defaults to mint scheme for quantitative data and bold for qualitative data. More control is given by using styling.scheme.

      If you wish to define a custom scheme outside of CARTOColors, it is recommended to use the styling.custom utility function.

    from cartoframes import QueryLayer, styling
    l = QueryLayer('SELECT * FROM acadia_biodiversity',
                       'column': 'simpson_index',
                       'scheme':, bin_method='equal')
  • size (dict or int, optional) –

    Size style to apply to point data.

    If size is an int, all points are sized by this value.

    from cartoframes import QueryLayer
    l = QueryLayer('SELECT * FROM acadia_biodiversity',

    If size is a str, this value is interpreted as a column, and the points are sized by the value in this column. The classification method defaults to quantiles, with a min size of 5, and a max size of 5. Use the dict input to override these values.

    from cartoframes import Layer
    l = Layer('acadia_biodiversity',

    If size is a dict, the follow keys are options, with values described as:

    • column (str): Column to base sizing of points on
    • bin_method (str, optional): Quantification method for dividing data range into bins. Must be one of the methods in BinMethod (excluding category).
    • bins (int, optional): Number of bins to break data into. Defaults to 5.
    • max (int, optional): Maximum point width (in pixels). Defaults to 25.
    • min (int, optional): Minimum point width (in pixels). Defaults to 5.
    from cartoframes import Layer
    l = Layer('acadia_biodiversity',
                  'column': 'num_eggs',
                  'max': 10,
                  'min': 2
  • opacity (float, optional) – Opacity of layer from 0 to 1. Defaults to 0.9.
  • tooltip (tuple, optional) – Not yet implemented.
  • legendNot yet implemented.
  • CartoException – If a column name used in any of the styling options is not in the data source in query (or table if using Layer).
  • ValueError – If styling using a dict and a column key is not present, or if the data type for a styling option is not supported. This is also raised if styling by a geometry column (i.e., the_geom or the_geom_webmercator). Futher, this is raised if requesting a time-based map with a data source that has geometries other than points.